It is so very hard for me to write this last blog letter about my All Stars, however typing wrapped in my beautiful daisy "blankie" makes me smile with thoughts of my kiddos and brings me comfort. There are not enough words to adequately thank you for all the cards filled with kind words, our party on Friday, and the special, special gifts. The awesome daisy comforter with its fringes knotted by the children will always bring me comfort and remind me of the warmth of the relationships built with my students and their parents. My husband has a throw he uses on the couch in cold weather, but I have never had one and have had to resort to "borrowing" his. My new daisy comforter has solved that problem. Plus, it is softer, warmer, prettier, and more special than his throw...LOL! As I told the kiddos, the pretty plant will also remind me of them because I know they, too, will grow not only in height, but in knowledge as well. And what could be more special than the awesome writing and pictures by former and current students that make up my incredible "Memories Book"?! I have already read the "Memories Book", cried, reread the "Memories Book", cried, etc. more times than you'd believe. It will be treasured always! From the bottom of my heart I thank you for everything!
I knew this past week would be extremely difficult for me. Throughout my life in times of worry or difficulties I have been helped by "getting lost" in hard work. So this week the All Stars and I did exactly that: we worked hard! Our literacy work focused on long o words and readings. We brainstormed and developed our class-anchor review chart of long o words. "Word Detectives" searched for and discovered long o words while reading their just-right books. The students worked on the song/poem called "Oh, Joe". They also read and reread short books like Joe and Moe, Mr. Bones, A Mole Comes Home, Aunt Joan's Joke, etc. which are chock-full of long o words. The excitement continued as the children talked about their at-home readings of Charlotte's Web for our One School, One Book program and had fun with some trivia questions. The students who chose to do the optional work for Charlotte's Web had just cause to be proud of their work! Thanks SO MUCH to my All-Star Parents for reading Charlotte's Web with your child/children so they feel a part of this community project! This class really likes our poetry work! I was smiling at how many students chose to read their poetry binders when given a choice for reading time. Again this week we had some Student Guest Readers sharing just-right books and informational books. However, we honestly did not have enough time to fit in all the students who asked to be Guest Readers! There is a waiting list again! Hooray! It makes me happy to see that their love of reading and reading confidence have grown along with their skills. On Monday Dr. Eidle-Barkman, Nathan's mom, came in to be a Guest Reader. The children loved both the science facts and pictures in the book Dr. Eidle-Barkman read: My First Days. On Wednesday Mrs. Pape, Logan's mom, came in as Guest Reader. Mrs. Pape read Three Snow Bears and my favorite Dr. Seuss book Oh, The Places You'll Go! The children may not understand the deeper messages in that Dr. Seuss book, but they sure loved the rhyme, rhythm, and illustrations. On Thursday Maddy's father, Mr. Ward, was our Guest Reader. Mr. Ward read Eating Up Gladys. When Mr. Ward explained the reason for choosing this book, the children couldn't wait to see what happened with the bossy sister and the younger sisters! Thanks so much to all our great Guest Readers for taking the time to come in and spread some more love of reading! On Friday we read and discussed the latest issue of "Scholastic News" entitled "Toothpaste." (Your child's copy of that "Scholastic News" should have come home on Friday for rereads and/or discussion.) Thanks also for continuing to send in the Reading Logs. The children are very proud to hand them in to me and to share what they are reading at home. Reading to, with, beside your child is not only a fun together time, but also a tremendous motivator that helps to build the love of reading as well as skills. I truly appreciate your at-home reading time with your child!
Our spelling work this week also focused on long o words, as well as priority words. The children wrote their words in their spelling journals, practiced learning what the words mean, entered their words in their personal dictionaries to practice both the words and alphabetical order, wrote their spelling words as "rainbow words", and played "Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe". Our fourth-grade buddies came in on Friday to give the first graders their spelling tests. Mrs. Kourt's fourth graders made me a clever, clever book about what I should do in retirement! (Let me just say I must LOOK braver than I really am...LOL!) The first graders asked me to read it to them, and we all loved the great writing and awesome illustrations! Thank you, Fourth Graders, for the fantastic book! Parents, thanks so much for all the at-home spelling practices. They really do help the kiddos "cement" the learning of the spelling words.
During writers' workshop times the students worked on both writers' journal entries about weekend events, play dates, books read, etc. and on first-try attempts of their informational books. The children all finished their first-try attempts of these informational books. Now lessons about informational writing and "try its" are upcoming. The students will try to "push themselves" as they work to take their first-try writings through revisions, editing, and rewrites.
Our math work this week started off with a review and practice of all the skills and processes covered in chapter six. Then on Tuesday the students took the end-of-chapter test. More students than ever earned 100% on this test! Wowie-Zowie! Then we began the next chapter by reading the story called "Tens of Ants" in the math big book. We used our popular foamy ten frames to explore and practice finding the tens in 18 (10 + 8), 15 (10 + 5), etc. Many of our "Graphing Questions of the Day" this week were about finding the tens. We also continued our fact practices in class and any short, at-home practices of addition/subtraction facts would be a great help, too. Thanks!
We continued our weather work for science this week. We read about wind and learned about two scales to measure wind: an easy 0 - 1- 2 rating for class work and for those students who wanted the challenge: the "Beaufort Scale". The students decorated their wind flags, and then it was time to head outside for our first weather experiments. On Thursday and Friday the kiddos used their wind flags to try to rate the strength of the wind. Oh, what excitement as they saw the wind flags react to gusts of wind and how the wind flags of children standing in different places reacted differently! Upon return to the classroom we discussed our observations, concepts like "gusts" of wind and "variable" winds, and made conclusions to record on their Wind Data Graphs. The children recorded their weather symbols each day on their individual weather calendars. The "child of the day" recorded the weather symbols each day using the stamps on our class weather calendar. (I must tell you, this is a mighty popular job!) If you could remind your child to draw the little weather symbol on weekends or days off, it would be a not only be a big help with our weather observations, but would also make them happy because they will get to use the weather stamps! Thanks!
We also had some special events during the week. On Tuesday we attended a whole-school assembly at the end of the day to see the fourth and fifth graders perform in the Orchestra Concert, the Band Concert, and the Choir Concert. The first graders were a polite audience and loved seeing their "Buddies", brothers/sisters, older students perform! Congratulations to the fourth and fifth graders on a job well done! On Wednesday Mrs. Palagyi and her Student Teacher, Ms. Kananas, came in to work with the class on their second friendship skills and communication lesson. Also on Wednesday Jahria celebrated her birthday with her classmates. Happy birthday, Jahria! On Thursday we had fun with "Dress-Like-A-Farmer Day" and even discussed and used some farmer "lingo".
Congratulations to Riley, Griffin, Autumn, and Calla who earned "Blue Ribbon Awards" for their excellent manners and behaviors in the cafeteria! We talked as a class about how even though there are MANY others who deserve the award, not everyone can be recognized at once. The children understood this, and being the good sports they are clapped and clapped for their award-winning classmates! (Of course, I did my "happy dance", too.) I just know lots more of our kiddos will be honored!
Well, since "getting lost" in the work of composing this letter is now at an end, I believe it is time to face the emotional parts. At the end of our day on Friday I read the students a book I had read them the first week of school called You Are My Wonders. I told the children that I didn't really know them very well the first week of school, but expected they would become my wonders. By their attention and the looks on their faces, I believe they could tell with this reading on Friday that they REALLY DID become my wonders....and so much more! I have watched with amazement their development and progress. I am so proud of them! You entrusted your most precious gifts to me, and I am thankful for every minute I had working with them. I feel like they are "mine", and it is so difficult to let them go. But I know they will continue to learn and grow. To my All-Star Parents: The wonder of your amazing support is appreciated more than you know! Thank you!
To my All-Star First Graders: "Congratulations! Today is your day! You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!...And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed!" Always give your best. You are truly my wonders, and I will carry you in my memory and my heart forever.
Mrs. Valentini
Sharing Trip Writings |
Decorating Wind Flags |
Wind Flags Ready for Experimenting |
Guest Reader, Dr. Eidle-Barkman, & Nathan |
"Word Detective" in Action |
Hard-Working "Writing Machines" |
A Writing Conference with Mrs. Fronheiser |
A Writing Conference With Mrs. Cassidy |
A Good Writer Reading Her Writing |
Great Reading Focus! |
"I found a long o word in my just-right book!" |
Guest Reader, Mrs. Pape, and Logan |
Practicing Spelling with "Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe" |
Student Guest Reader |
Guest Reader, Mr. Ward, and Maddy |
Practicing Math at Snack Time! |
Reading at Snack Time! |
Trying a Puppet Show at Snack Time! |
A Checker Game at Snack Time! |
Lego Fun at Snack Time! |
Go, Readers! |
Spontaneous Group Hug! |
My Wonders! |