Welcome to the first of my weekly postings about our First Grade Wonders! I usually compose my postings on the weekends so I have time to reflect about the whole week, but as you know from the "hard copy" letter I sent home today, I will be leaving early tomorrow morning to head to Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama for my son's graduation from Officers' Training School. The posts will share information about our curriculum, our works-in-progress, our explorations, discoveries, our successes, and our fun. (It is often a real challenge to find the time to grab the camera to capture the "All Stars" in action, but when I'm able to do so I will post these pictures as well.) Please feel free to share any questions, thoughts, reactions to the postings.
What a great start to the 2013-2014 school year we are having! We have been very, very busy, and I am already loving "my" kiddos! I enjoy sharing some of the cute episodes and comments of the students in the blog letters, when my tired brain cells remember! LOL So here comes the first of what I'm sure will be many fun "shares". At snack time today a group of kiddos were chatting about "best" friends, and my ears perked up in case I should need to intervene or redirect the conversation to avoid any hurt feelings. They did not realize I was listening, and one young man said with a matter-of-fact tone of voice: "ALL my friends are best friends." Then several others chimed in that this was indeed correct. What a kind group of children! I was/am so proud of them! A couple cute, spontaneous questions and comments show the broad spectrum of beginning-of-first-grade stamina. Some students asked if it was time for recess yet at 9:30 - ha! Then at the end of the day when I said it was time to pack up some other students said, "Already?" ( As the year goes on, I'll work very hard to try to swing them all to the "Already?" camp.)
At the beginning of each school year much time is needed to establish routines and expectations that make a classroom run smoothly and successfully. We talked about what the U.S. Constitution was and then developed our "Class Constitution." The students signed our class constitution to show their understanding of the rules and the reasons behind them. We've learned and practiced morning routines including calendar work, counting school days/place value, days of the week, and weather words. These "All Stars" already have the "Graphing Question of the Day" process mastered! Today the students used the bar graph to pick their favorite subject. You may want to ask your child which subject they picked. We even did addition and subtraction practice with the graph results, like: How many more voted for science than for math? As the year goes on the graphing questions will be directly related to our work and become more challenging.
Our literacy work is already "on the move." We read The First Day of School and discussed common beginning-of-the-year concerns and excitement. We read D.E.A.R. (As your child if they remember what D.E.A.R. stands for, please.) We laughed and had a fun time examining manners as we read Do Unto Otters. After reading How I Spent My Summer Vacation the children made their first entries in their writers' notebooks about one of their summer events. I am truly impressed that some of the students were ALREADY using their personal dictionaries as they wrote! Hooray! Many students wanted to share what they wrote for "Authors'-Chair Share", but we ran out of time. I bet they will remind me that I "owe" them some "Authors'-Chair Share" time! The children decorated their names printed in "bubble letters" to use as the first "entries" for our Word Wall. We had a chance to work on alphabetizing by last names. We talked about what a goal is and brainstormed ideas for first-grade goals for All Stars. They then wrote their rough drafts of their personal All-Star Goal. The next day they did a final-form rewrite of their All-Star Goal to display in our room. Most have already realized that writing involves many steps. We had an introduction, (only an introduction...much more work to come), to ways to read, how to find "just-right" books, and things good readers do. After a "tour" of our classroom book bins and how they are organized, the students made their first attempts to select just-right books. We read together and discussed the first issue of "Scholastic News" entitled "All Star Citizens." (This "Scholastic News" should have made its way home to you today for discussion and/or rereads. Please let me know if it did not make it home.) This Friday, Friday the 13th, Mrs. McGlynn will read The Luckiest Kid on the Planet and the students will tell why they think they are lucky. (I think I am lucky to be working with this awesome group of children!) We have started reviewing number concepts. The students made their own index card "math domino" with either the just the number of pips on the back or, for a challenge, an addition number sentence on the back. Then they quizzed their classmates with their "math dominoes". I was smiling from ear-to-ear when many students asked, "May I make another "math domino" card?
We have not yet started our normal homework routines because I want to speak about these at Open House first. (However, I bet your child can ALREADY tell you what "optional" means! Ha!) I have lots to share with you at Open House on Thursday, September 19th, at 6:15 and look forward to seeing you there. I'm excited to meet with you and talk with you! (As you probably can tell from this first letter, I do love to talk. LOL)
When my son was in elementary school I remember how the beginning-of-the-year onslaught of paperwork, forms, supplies, etc. seemed somewhat overwhelming. So I wish to extend a big thank you for your fantastic, efficient submission of all these "goodies." Thank you also for all your kind words and support at home. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any/all questions/concerns. (Phone: 439-7681; email: mvalentini@bcsd.neric.org; good "old-fashioned" notes are welcomed, too!)
I look forward to working with you to help our All Stars soar!
Mrs. V.
Bringing supplies for a new school year is so exciting! |
What a GREAT class of All Stars! |
Library Class |
Snack Time Break |
Recess Fun |
Focused Readers/Workers |
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